Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying for Managers

Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying for Managers
 4.7 (205)
£27.00 per seat

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Designed to provide managers, supervisors and team leaders with an understanding of the general principles and application of laws and guidelines related to workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying as well as their required role. This module explains what is expected of managers as role models, responding to inappropriate behaviour and handling complaints.

Based on iHR Australia’s extensive experience advising managers on all aspects of workplace behaviour and their ‘duty of care’ related responsibilities, this program is always up-to-date and leading edge.


  • Introduction covers the importance of understanding and knowing the policies and laws regarding Equal Employment Opportunity in the workplace;
  • Module 1 focuses on unlawful discrimination in the workplace;
  • Module 2 covers harassment in the workplace;
  • Module 3 covers bullying in the workplace and the impacts it can have on individuals and the team;
  • Module 4 explains the three key elements of a managers role as a role model, acting on inappropriate behaviour and handling complaints; and
  • Additional Resources: Information Library, Video Clips, Assessment and Activities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate a high level understanding of what constitutes workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying and the overarching laws and guidelines;
  • Understand the potential impacts inappropriate behaviour has on individuals and the team;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key elements of a managers role; role modelling, responding to inappropriate behaviour and handling complaints correctly; and
  • Know the options for workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying complaints handling.

Designed for:

Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders

Program length:

40 minutes (approximately)

Other Recommended eLearning Courses:

  • Workplace Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying for Employees
  • Addressing Inappropriate Behaviour


  • EEO_04_Workplace_Discrimination_Harassment_and_Bullying_for_Managers