Deferring payment can help people to delay the need to sell their home (or other assets) and provide peace of mind during a time that can be challenging (or even a crisis point) for them and their loved ones as they make the transition into residential care.
This course is intended for:
About this course
This course forms part of the suite of e-learning courses that have been developed to support the implementation of part one of the Care Act 2014. It is based upon the Skills for Care training materials.
Upon successful completion of both modules you will be automatically awarded a certificate containing the course name, completion date, CPD hours and learning objectives.
The course contains additional resource materials, useful links and refresher guides.
In this course you will learn:
Here are some of the topics covered in this course:
It is deferred – not ‘written-off’; Ways to pay care costs; Acceptance criteria; Legal charge; Valuable assets; Accepting other forms of security; The security should be revalued periodically; Exercising discretion; Refusing a DPA; Change in circumstances; Providing notice of termination; Information and Advice; Involving family and friends; Loss of capacity; Placing conditions in the DPA; How much can be deferred?; The equity limit; Using a property as security; Reviewing the cost of care; Local authorities may require a contribution; Can a person retain less than the disposable income allowance?; Top-ups; Does the local authority have to fund the top-up?; Future care and support needs; Rental income; Interest rate and administration charge; Making the agreement; 12 week disregard; Providing the written statement; Can interest be charged after a person dies?; What happens when a person dies?; Terminating the agreement